Sunday 27 March 2011

Big Balloons Usually Mean a Simple but Fun Time

Many people seem to think small puzzle piece count means an easy jigsaw puzzle to do and vice versa, but this is not necessarily so. The complexity of the picture involved means a lot more. This Surelox brand jigsaw puzzle, a photo of a big Balloon Regatta, is a medium size of 750 pieces, yet much more easy to do than many 500 piece jigsaws.
Assembling a jigsaw puzzle generally means considering colours involved before piece shapes. When a picture has convenient blocks of colours like this one, it is easy to concentrate on certain pieces and just ignore the others. As in the case with most puzzles, the border pieces were joined first. Next 'sky' pieces were put aside for later as not yet required. Then moving in from the border, it was more than easy to pick out the colours and patterns needed to fill in the crowd, complete the green balloon then move on to the other smaller ones nearby.
The pattern on the largest balloon was very distinctive so those pieces were also left aside while the foreground was finished. With its slightly staggered lines of bright hues it was ridiculously easy to fill in next. After that there was little left to do. Now the remaining pieces were much more similar in colouring it was time to pay less attention to the wisps of blue and white but consider the piece shapes and dimensions as these were slotted in. The other pieces were already in place and not causing confusion, so inserting the few others remaining was simplicity itself! Now I must look for another good jigsaw puzzle at an online auction.