Tuesday 19 July 2011

Polar Bear

It seemed a while since I had a undertaken real jigsaw puzzle challenge so battling this bear just seemed the thing to do! Being the very cheap Surelox brand, the pieces did not fit together well, which is a shame, as otherwise this photo was fun complete. There were not a large variety of shapes in this 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle, so there was a lot more reliance on the graduated shadings. Although the different areas seem reasonably distinct in the completed picture, it was not immediately easy to discern which went where when they were still randomly piled on the table. Initially it was a matter of concentrating on the darkest area of foliage in the foreground, then moving to the sky. Although there were purple tinged areas in the snow and rock background, they lacked the clear smoothness of the sky. Then it was time to concentrate on the way the yellow tinged fur coat of this placid looking polar bear was running, and as it was mainly in the same direction, he connected the undergrowth and sky very conveniently. After that there was little left to fill in via the snow shrouded rocks and bushes surrounding him. Doing this jigsaw puzzle on a chilly winter day added to the fun. Sort of!

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